Breakfast of Champions?

I used to love cold cereal for breakfast. And, sometimes for a snack! My mother never allowed the really sugary stuff in the house, but we had Wheaties, Cheerios, Shredded Wheat, you get the idea.

Then, I stopped eating cereal when I went gluten free. It was hard, but I adjusted.

Then, I learned more about cold cereals and what they do to the body. I know, right? I’m such a Debbie Downer, but I think this information is really important. Especially if you have little ones and they are eating Cheerios as their first finger foods!

So, what’s the issue with cold cereals?

Well, they fall under just about every category we’ve discussed so far: Many contain genetically engineered ingredients. The grains used to make the cereal are more than likely sprayed with glyphosate if they are not genetically engineered. And, the so called “healthy” ones are made with whole grains, which we now know that if they are not properly prepared (i.e. soaked, sprouted or fermented) can cause issues in the body.

But the blaring issue with these cereals is with their processing.

Cold cereals are processed using a process called extrusion.

After being mixed with water and turned into a slurry, the grains are forced through a tiny hole at extreme pressure and temperature and thus turned into their marketable shapes.
They are then sprayed with  a mixture of oil and sugar so that it maintains it’s “integrity” when doused with milk in the bowl.
According to Paul Stitt, the author of Fighting the Food Giants, this process of extruding the grains denatures fatty acids and destroys much of the  nutrients present in the grain.
The most mind boggling part? Those so called “healthy whole grain” cereals are probably the most toxic. The proteins in the whole grain cereals become so denatured that they become neurotoxins.
Check out this rat study taken from an article written by Sally Fallon : Dirty Secrets of the Food Processing Industry:
“One group of rats received plain whole wheat grains, water and synthetic vitamins and minerals. A second group received puffed wheat (an extruded cereal), water and the same nutrient solution. A third set was given water and white sugar. A fourth set was given nothing but water and synthetic nutrients. The rats that received the whole wheat lived over a year on this diet. The rats that got nothing but water and vitamins lived about two months. The animals on a white sugar and water diet lived about a month. The study showed that the rats given the vitamins, water and all the puffed wheat they wanted died within two weeks—even before the rats that got no food at all. These results suggest that there was something very toxic in the puffed wheat itself! Proteins are very similar to certain toxins in molecular structure, and the pressure of the puffing process may produce chemical changes that turn a nutritious grain into a poisonous substance.”
So, what is one to do? It’s time to think outside the cereal box for nourishing breakfasts!
Try soaked oats or another grain porridge. (Teff happens to be one of my favorite!)  Or, eat some left over dinner for breakfast. Or some soup! There are much better ways to nourish yourself and start your day than with these extruded grains!
Here is a recipe for some oatmeal.
Oat Porridge
Here’s a little tip if you like to eat oatmeal:
I put up a large batch, leave it to soak at room temperature overnight and then I put it in the refrigerator. My husband scoops what he wants each morning and heats it up. When it’s done, we do the whole process again. This way, you don’t have to remember to soak it every night!
2 cups oatmeal
Water to coat
2 TBS whey or lemon juice
Place rolled oats in a non reactive bowl.
Add water to cover and add whey. Stir a bit and cover and leave out at room temperature over night.
In the morning, heat oatmeal on stove.
(When it is soaked, it only takes a short time for the oatmeal to cook).

Season with sea salt. Add delicious extras like cinnamon, a touch of raw honey, soaked nuts and seeds and enjoy!

See how your energy is different after eating this nourishing porridge in the morning versus a cold cereal and let me know your thoughts!

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